tarkis's Diaryland Diary



In my dreams last night... people that seemed to know me well.. people upon waking, I remember their names.

A woman hugged me and I remember her saying... I just knew you would be good for him... Him being.. a man that was in my dream also with an angelic smile.

I was involved with someting charitable.. gathering stuff.. for others... In my dream I had a complete other life... and I was having trouble passing thru the realities.. wondering how she knew me so well..

but the feeling in the dream... I was with good people doing good work and their was hope in that reality. Later the man and I were going to go someplace together... more stuff had to be done and we were laughing together...

I remember his face... nothing so remarkable about it except for the twinkle in his eyes and his easy smile.,, It seemed I had watched this man from afar.

There was much to this dream.. much happiness and confusion on my part...

and upon waking... a memory of my old man, my dear dream friend leaning against his staff... smiling very gently... Do you understand?, he asks.

and on so many levels.. I do.

I think so ... I think so. I say... with the innocence of a child seeing Santa for the very first time.

and this morning.... still... on so many levels I understand.

and my rune today... I am to identify anything that needs completion,,, any desire to fulfill.. anyone to say good by to.. and pass empty handed with nothing holding me back... and thru the gates to the next level in my life.

and with a great chuckle this morning.. by the gods ... I understand.

7:32 a.m. - 2005-12-16


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