tarkis's Diaryland Diary


Can the unknown be known?

Sometimes it all comes down to faith.. just faith in the unknown.

my dreamslast night were of faith.. and the charcaters from my church were in it... friends ... characters of my life.

My life is like a play... one not very well rehearsed , I feel... or maybe it is and I just can't remember the rehearsal.

People come into our lives... we fall in love.. we get hurt... we help people because they have hurts, problems, needs and we have something for them... a word. a smile.

a good thought.

but in the end.. when the play starts to wind down and you wonder and question, when the religions of the world seem lacking and you ask... is this what it really is about..a set of rules?

that's when the faith comes in... faith that there is more out there... that whatever is happening in our lives is because of something we chose long ago..

faith that we are loved beyond knowledge... faith that we can go to the gods for comfort... faith that whoever we are in this life will not matter so much in a, relatively speaking, short time. Faith that what we learn, experience and somehow choose correctly will matter.

Faith that our gods are there for us... faith that we have connections here.. in this life ... in this reality... people that we are somehow connected to and are important to us both in this reality and others.

today I feel full of that faith... was it because of dreams last night... dreams in which I had to be honest with the characters in my life and play...

and I was.

Last night was a night of tough questions... in my life's play and in my dreams...

and i made it through.

and I really think it was me... me.. or the me of who I am now. I like this me.... but sometimes I wonder... almost I feel the pain deep... like I am a skyscraper and the pain still exists on the ground floor or the end of a very long hallway and I am many floors and doors away from it..

and i just keep moving away...

it has to be like that.

and my faith will get me through.

7:23 a.m. - 2003-05-03


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