tarkis's Diaryland Diary


my Yin Yang of life

The path of the Yin Yang seems to have been with me in my dreams and in my just before sleep mind when the day folds. That place just before sleep yet not still awake..

I thought often of the Yin Yang and what I want in life... who that person must be that will accompany me through the last of my life.... he has to be my compliment... that Yin to my Yang on those days and yet the Yang to my Yin on those days also. We need to be able to shift between the two quite easily without ever having the thought have to come between us that one is giving more than the other... it is a dance... the dance of life in its purest form is just the dance of the Yin Yang..

Come dance with me between that moment of is and was... light and dark... morning and night...

Dance with me in the colors before they become objects... Dance with me in the unspoken word when the thought is enough.

Dance with me in that moment just before the smile begins... just before the eyes twinkle.. in that moment when the eyes meet and you know the Yin Yang of life is perfect in your life... at exactly that moment.

The Yin Yang of my life... hmmm.. shall I ever find that Yin or Yang?

That perfect love... it's what I asked the gods for... it is what I expect... sometimes I feel he is very close to me and others.. well, getting closer..

Is he someone I know or about to know?

Or am I just a silly old women lost in her dreams and fancies,,

but yet... just before the smile starts that greets the day... just before the energy starts finding its direction..

well, just before... that's when I know I'm in the hands of the gods and foolish or not...

today is just another day in this reality.

and today I am a Yang without my Yin, I think.. or is all of life the Yang to my Yin?

6:24 a.m. - 2003-08-12


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