tarkis's Diaryland Diary


I moved ahead

That moment came.

You know the one, the one that puts you farther on the path of understanding.
my runes alluded to it coming yesterday morning..

The signs have all been there... everything has been in front of me .. but for reasons of my own.. my stubbornness.. my excitement of even understanding a little... qualities I am to work on this time around.. my lack of patience..

I did not sleep well the night before.. only 2 hours after going thru stuff I really didn't understand in my mind.. old stuff.. stuff connected with D.. the result being.. yesterday I was tired.. very tired.. and as much as I tried to get to that place I knew I needed to get to.. I couldn't.

The actuality of it all.. was that I was exactly where I needed to be. In my quietness pieces of the cosmic puzzle fell into place and child of the gods.. mini god that I am..we all are... in my quietness I understood.

I got to jump many spots ahead... it clicked.

and today.. this morning.. after then going to sleep for 10 hours.. and sobbing soul cleansing sobs in my sleep.. not sure when or why.. just the faint memory that I did..

but, this morning.. I am renewed.. full of love.. full of faith that what I want and need will be in my face... full of thankfulness for those who have helped me on this path.. and excitement.. for what may come.

Open windows.. open doors.. birds singing once again.. blue skies and bright sunshine... it is like the icing on the cake...

I always did like that best.

Thank you to the gods.... and all you mini gods out there like me.

If only you all knew exactly who you were... though it is not for me to say.. only for you to find your path.

But, thank you.

8:05 a.m. - 2005-05-14


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