tarkis's Diaryland Diary


another weekend.

Is there a bigger klutz..

I painted this weekend.. busy hands and all that type stuff.. need to get this place in better shape to sell... so I painted.. and after many falls and not staying steady... I get unbalanced it seems on ladders or small places...
but after all the falls.. after the painting is done.. stepping off the ladder.. where does foot end up? In the paint can. Of course.

and I made wonderful delicious applesauce.. more apples this year than I have ever had on my trees. It is the season for apples. Everyone says so.. and if they say.. well, it must be true.

and I rested easy.... J asked me to come over for the weekend.. I didn't.. he asked as an after thought..as if he was waiting until the last minute to see if he got a better offer... anyway... I said.. thanks but no... He was someone that we could have had something with... we will never know... because I am not going to worry about it or try. Too much work involved it seems.

but the ending... the kid called twice.. so much to say.. so much has happened in this past week in his life. He auditioned & made the team for a comedy club.. He was selected out of a large field to write for a TV show on campus.. and we just talked.

though.. it started to sound as if the kid was missing me.. as much as that made me feel great.. I wanted him to be .. not missing me.

I asked him if he was happy? He said, content... so much to learn and discover.. and so many possibilities... and then he talked girls and .. he is fine... he will be just fine.

the gods have been good to me...

and now.. it is time to send more positive energy to the universe.. wonder what it will attract.

6:43 a.m. - 2005-09-19


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