tarkis's Diaryland Diary


too much of the other sided, methinks

more decisions.

the runes speak truth this morning.. I may not want to listen but in my heart I know.... its message only a mirror image of my thoughts.

I am on my path.. more than ever now I need to stay my course.

but it will be hard to vocalize for in doing so I will need to lay bare my soul.. or part of it anyway.

but.. that peace is there.. so it is my lantern... I know I am following MY path... overgrown but so full of life.

the kid called last night... excited.. energized. on the wagon of those with misundertood words.

his show.. his HA show was cancelled.. 1/2 hour before starting... after accusations of prejudice statements came to light. This all happened 2 weeks ago and was merely the misinformation of one person... but wind of it.. got to the NAACP amd because it is a name school.. they are making much out of nothing... and my child... who follows more suredly in my footsteps everyday... has taken a stand... on misinformation... and as I heard myself saying the words I hated myself for saying... My wonderful child came back to me with...

this started because of one person's misinformation... one person.. you always told me one person can make a difference... well.. now it is time for another one person to make a stand for what is right.... I am one person also.. and I can make a difference.

How do you fight against logic like that?

and my sleep sound last night... but the memories.. so much is happening in my dream world.. It must be good because I wake feeling peaceful.. but who are they.. I know a few.. and during the day snippets of conversations.. come to my mind.. and then I realize I didn't have these words with D or anyone else for that matter...

no wonder it is so difficult to get past this... he is in both worlds .. and much more prominent in the other.. as if I close my eyes and my soul rushes to him.

how do i explain or understand.

6:58 a.m. - 2005-11-11


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