tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the haunting... maybe

My son and I went on the tour last nite of the local "haunted" house.

Not so long ago television crews had been there from the discovery channel.. and the person leading the tour gaining much renown nationally as "ghosthunter".

There was a presentation before hand.. interesting... but I really watched the presenter.. his words guarded and clipped..as if he wanted to say so much more but was really just wanting to give facts.

He is into all the paranormal stuff... the lead up was wonderful... and knowledge. I had no idea that the Iroguois had settled here first.. a great settlement of them for the time... maybe 1500... had lived and walked Main St and the valley.... and that they had been totally detroyed by their own years before. I thought of the "shades" then... my "shades" and wondered.

and so we were off.

I finding myself at firt nervous, wondering... until we got closer and closer... then a great calm came over me and a feeling of well being.. a feeling of being at home... a home unlike any other.

Yet, I was the skeptic.. I knew that.. in ways I won't explain here.

People took pictures.. I too... and some found great orbs in their pictures.. I did not.

but.. just before my camera died... a picture... with a great glob of something eating my picture.. and then it flipped upside down...

the picture did not come out... it was of the hanging tree...

and I smelled a wonderful smell of wildflowers... a smell that makes you want to dance in the meadow and laugh and play.

and when one of the girls passed out... the ducks and geese from across the pond.. not seeing the commotion took up a loud calling.. they took the girl off the land and she came around. She did not come back.

our guide said he could feel the chnage today... I thought how wonderful it felt there. My son thought how beautiful the area... and just before we stopped.. I saw the land I would want.

well... would want.. if I were staying.

and we talked with others that came there on their own often... always careful not to drive on the road by the house.

one day I will go to the old Indian and Shaman burial ground... They pointed it out.. at least the path to it... thru the trees. I would have gone to look had it not started raining.

all in all.. it was fun... different... and a reminder of what this area is... what it is that pulls.

and now a day of working outside.

at least it is warm.. the birds are singing and everything is green.

sadly, thoughts of him greeted me this morning... kind and loving and warm.. as if the dream was slow in ending.

while thoughts of another were not so kind... it was his mistake.. does he not realize.. I have been screwed over by the best... I have neither time nor patience for this.

just another day,

6:52 a.m. - 2006-05-27


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