tarkis's Diaryland Diary


so am I in love?

If I could, I would.

Can I try?????

One more time????

Is it in me?

Waking .. dreams lingering.

I fell in love last night in my sleep, I can barely remember his face and his name is even fainter... but I remember how it felt. I had come to a retreat with one person who I loved and fell in love with another. I feel as if I love him still upon waking.

Wonderful... I guess I can laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. I mean really... can it be any worse than loving someone that could care less when I am awake...

at least I will have my nights... puts a smile on my face.

and it was a strange feeling to love two... as I did in my dreams..

or is this an explanation.. giving me a way to understand,

and my Mom, always there to give a shot of encouragement.

" gosh I can't believe you will be nearing 60 soon."

thanks Mom... I needed to hear that.

but my kid.. by the gods... how wonderfully supportive he can be as I ranted ...

" Wow, Mom, you know no one would believe it... and you certainly don't act it. Ny friends thought I was lying when they found out your age a few years ago"

Thanks kid.. Thanks.

and looking out this morning... on the upside of finishing the tasks I have planned for myself before weekends are dedicated to travel...to finding that special place... the sun is shining once again in my little corner of the valley.

oh and by the way, if anyone cares... it is soo good to still be able to feel the connection

so good

as if it meant anything to anyone but me

6:40 a.m. - 2006-06-07


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