tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the kid wowed em, yes he did

the kid called.. so excited.

I had been waiting for the call.. afraid to call him..

he had been in a competition.. the last comic standing.. it had come to the university.. in search of.. the next Jerry or Bill or Robin...

he called... he placed second..though after, the judges came up to him and told him how difficult it had been.. that he could have just as easily been first.. that they expected to see and hear much more from him in the future.

He had broken all their rules and they still had loved him.. so had the audience. He said the other membres of HA had come to watch and encourage.. they had come running up after to tell him how great he had been.

and then.. as if that had not been great enough..

someone from his circle... that he had always been in awe of... asked him who he was rooming with next year and if he wanted to room with him.

of course the kid said yes... He said.. you know, Mom.. for a little bit there.. I felt like someone.. and it felt great.

after we talked.. and he hung up.. I allowed the tears for him.. happiness tears... for everyone should feel like someone sometime.. and his had been a long time coming.

not that many did not think that of him.. but it was something he had to feel for himself..

and I can't wait to be able to go see him perform later this month.. He will get me the schedule of his shows..

for you know.. he forgot to take his camera.. he forgot that this is why I spent so much money on his camera.. so he could record his shows, save them to look at his beginning when he is famous.. and also send them back to me..

Well, I do have his first show ever... and it was great and I am happy to have been there for that...

and Me thinks there will be many more.. Yep, me thinks.

10:55 a.m. - 2007-03-03


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