tarkis's Diaryland Diary


My kids the best

My son called today - He was upset - Just hearing the sadness in his voice twisted my stomach... What's wrong? I gently asked... and he started... I need to chnage my major.. I know.. I said softly.

He had to read a story for an Ethics Class he had.. It was about a woman that bought a vehicle for $2000 and then took a job for $7hr as a maid to see what life would be like... how she could survive...

Everything in her life changed and one job became two just to make ends meet - and that was just as a single person.. in an apartment she rented and with the knowledge that she could leave all this and go back to her life anytime she chose.

My son... the defender of the weak... was angry at how the maid was treated... being paid $7 hr without benefits while the family she worked for paid the company $25 hr for her services... He was angry that the second job as a waitress paid her so little & again without benefits and that the manager at this place who made the schedules, hired and fired was paid so much.

But what upset my son even more was his class's discussion after... the attitude that the maid was paid enough... the workers were paid enough.. of course most of the kids in his class had maids... were from a very different mindset as he... and actually acted as if anyone in these menial jobs was only worth that... and if they wanted more they could just work harder...

these very affluent kids who never had to do a day's work in their life.. whose income before they ever get a job will be more than any of these who were working 2 & 3 jobs just to pay the very modest day to day living bills..

at this rant - by the time he finished - I could hear he was not far from tears... Mom... poor people are not less than anyone else... how can these kids just disregard them as nothing... I smiled... I love you I told him and I am so proud of who you are... Remember who you are... don't ever change...

but I am angry he said... angry that there are so many people like them... I have to change my major and become something more... I smiled... you will, I said.. because you already are.

Some days... you just look in the mirror and smile and know.. you did something right.

12:41 p.m. - 2007-10-31


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