tarkis's Diaryland Diary


and it was good

Last night my son had theater workshop so after I dropped him off, instead of my ususal mall walk time.. I decided to go to get something to eat... fast food... but I would be able to sit and read.

As I walked in, I saw a friend from high school... he had been in my class... had always been a nice boy and had grown ito a very nice man...now a very nice grandfather.

I like him and his wife very much, though we never talk, so after getting my food I asked him if he wanted company.

We talked the usual things and then...one thing led to another and we started talking about what we believed and the meaning of things.

Having to put what I truly believed into words surprised even me, but it was a good opportunity for me to start understanding how far I have become and the path I have made for my own. He was startled and curious... but it was a very enjoyable talk for both of us. I spoke of my vision of the gods... and the energy available to us all..and he smiled and said I had a very unusual slant to everything... as I said his was to me. We laughed then and it was good.

When he left he gave me a special little bible... I tried to tell him no... I had many bibles and books from the christian faith and to give it to another more needy.. but he was so determined and I finally said... ok... that I would accept it to make him happy..

He smiled and said now he knew why God had pushed him to come to eat at a place he very seldom comes.. maybe to help me on my way... I smiled and told him that I had been thinking the very same thing... that I had been led to this spot... that this was the spot I was suppose to be in to help him find the truth... and then we both laughed.

and I looked at the time ... I had missed my mall walk ... it was time to pick up my son... but I felt connected to the universe... to my energy source in a way I don't usually feel... and it was good.

and today I feel the connection to my soul's friend, my heart's desire so strong... I want to call.. but don't.. won't.. but it feels so intense.. this feeling this morning.

almost as if the gods are trying to tell me something...


and I am smiling

6:23 a.m. - 2003-02-04


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