tarkis's Diaryland Diary


or is it the sun

and the weekend is here. I have a busy day today and last night was nice.

We worked out the songs last night for our Easter program, which is tomorrow.... do you think I did it earky enough?

My friend, T, came to help and brought her daughter which will accompany my son and that will be our music... clarinet and Sax... actually they sounded quite good together

and my son tried to be so entertaining because he likes the daughter... her Mom and I have decided she is not old enough yet to go out with him so will watch this very carefully...

and today we will have a 4 hour rehearsal with all the children at the church hall ... so tomorrow will be a snap...

More than that... it will be almost the end... only thing left is a 4 hour retreat the first Sunday in May.. and then Confirmation.... and then I am through... no more ... the final final. Done... over with... no more.... ever.

I am sooo excited... it is almost over.

What will I do with all the free time I will be given?

I have thoughts... all good..actually.

and tonite I will go to dinner with L and work on what there may be between us.... I don't want to think too hard on this because then I will decide there is nothing and have not reached that place yet and will tell him that this can't work out... but he is so nice.

and life is exciting ... yet the same...

now to go do my runes... I hope they have good things to say... I feel it... something in the air maybe..

or is it the sun.

7:26 a.m. - 2003-04-12


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