tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the sun shone today.. I ma happy

I'm back on line.

I really hate computer technicalities and viruses and rotten people.

This weekend has been just what I needed I think.

Today I thought of the list of things that I dislike as I watched my son and his friends review for regents that they will be taking this week.

I thought of how the kids have changed.. the young men and women they are growing up into. Some I am so pleased to see what they are becoming and others.. well, they will probably succeed ... but at whose expense.

And my son is going with a girl... I have yet to meet her.. she is from another school.. a girl that he marches with.. but he is happy... he asked a girl out and she said yes.. I am happy that he is happy.

this has been a quiet and solitary weekend for me... and I am content... though trying to remember and find a name... and then a thought ... maybe it is an old name.. that maybe a name has changed.. and I am not sure if it is a place or a thing.. a mountain.. or a spring.. or a valley or a meadow... just a name I can't remember.... but i feel like I will recognize what it is when I see it.. not sure why... almost as if there is a picture in my mind that I must look for.. like a memory of something that is to happen.

almost as if I can understand what merlin meant when he said the future is to be remembered..

L called late and wanted to go out.. I told him I had made other plans.. waiting for the cable man.. he said if he got there early maybe we could get together. Like nothing had happened.. like everything was just as always...

well, everything is not like always.. so I did not call him back.

and I got my violin... and I have spent time trying to get the hang of it.. though without a how to book yet.. it is not easy.. but I have my violin and it makes me smile.

or maybe it is just feeling the sun on my face today that accounts for the joy in my heart.

I am glad i am happy today.. for whatever the reason.

7:16 p.m. - 2003-06-15


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