tarkis's Diaryland Diary


good day

Contemplating stepping thru the threshold. I did and then I stepped.

I called.

The apartment will be ready when I need it. The phone line problems should not be a problem. The internet connection should not be a problem. Now to find out this weekend if my neighbor is going to actually buy me out... or if it was just talk.

My date last night was fun.. T is a nice guy. Though we are not on the same page for most of who we are.. he is fun.. really cute.. great eyes... and a gentleman... not even a hand holding. Should he call again.. I will go out with him.. we had fun.. dinner, movie, and then a walk down streets we grew up on.

He talked a lot about himself.. which was fine as I am not soemone who easily gives of themself that way. He remarked how blue my eyes seemed and that my hair was red.. naturally... The sun was shining.

Yes, the red is dead from the bottle. I have gone more natural with the blondish hair color of my youth and it always had red highlights.

and laughing as I came home and my son asked how it was.. he knew if I had my choice.. I wouldn't have gone. It was good. He's a nice guy.

so.. there is life after death.

and this morning.. anticipation is filling my soul.. the move.. the forest.. what possibilities my mind can conceive..

dreams of a life fulfilled.

I will be happy and it will not be because of anything more than I have found my center.

8:21 a.m. - 2005-07-09


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