tarkis's Diaryland Diary


just a note of my life

I have been home now one week.. without kid.

He sends me a few emails.. much of which is dedicated to telling me that he is busy and needs a palm pilot to keep himself organized,,, I have not addressed this issue in my emails back.. I want to see how he works this out... I know he would like my input and if and when he calls.. I will give it.

I miss him.

my life has become very quiet. I did go out with J Friday night.. and I really tried to be content and happy with him..but when he left.. it was just a sigh and I realized he was nice because there was nothing else... he was nice to spend time with and if there becomes someone I could really care about.. it would be he.. we have much in common... and he is smart and I can learn from him.. things.. but he is not he of my dreams.

Worked on the kids room.. though should just be packing everything in boxes for the move.. if it should take place.. I need to get the tax list.. and see what properties can be gotten for very little money... I think I know the way.. J is showing me... I will figure it out..

I will find my way.. I think... I will.. I am old enough, by the gods.

listening to stuff that is going against evolution.. more of creation based.. of course they then go into the biblical account.. which takes a slightly different slant.. but physics... quantum.. I am starting to think that may be where truth lies... and i smile.. maybe that is why my son loves it so.. maybe he will find the beginnings of life and our creators.

interesting how they have found that in each cell.. there is uncountable machines...

hmmm... machines..

7:18 a.m. - 2005-08-28


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