tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the ancient ones

I have found "the ancients" J knew all about them... He has seen them .. at least 400 years old and at least 4' wide.

I am so excited.. this weekend I will be able to see them.. to touch them.. their energy... it is as if I am going to see some great, much loved, old friends,, How to explain.

I knew when I traveled last to J's house.. the feeling going thru the mountains... this was a part of me .. the energies in this land.. so good for me... and I will spend the weekend in that energy.. cradled.

It has never been the temps of an area that attracted me.. rather the feeling.. I felt the energy when I went to D's and he took me to the mounds... the energy touched my soul and when we climbed to the top and the sun came out and shone on us.. and the lights.. the guardian spirit lights of old... we both saw them.. I could have been very very happy there.

or the energy felt when I went thru the Smokey Mountains.. both times it effected me... drew me.. as if i never wanted to leave.. like a magnet.. I could be happy there.

and then something clicked.. my runes.. my life... it isn't as if I need to be with D to be happy... I am happy and blessed and truly grateful for the knowledge given me... probably it is more important the location... its energy will resonate with me and then like ripples on a pond, I will touch others and others will touch me... and I will and am happy.

and my purpose in life... slowly it is emerging... my hotel.. my camp.. what is to be will be.

but... this weekend.. I get to see my trees.. the ancient ones..

and see J... that's not bad either.

7:00 a.m. - 2005-09-29


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