tarkis's Diaryland Diary


my ancient ones adventure

So J did not go with me to see the ancient ones.. I am glad.

It was something I needed to experience alone. I have no words to explain their stately beauty or strength.. or the energy pulsing from the great old one as I let my hands rest on his bark.

I caressed it lovingly, it had endured.

the walk serene and full of health.. much needed after getting so lost before hand..

I saw a buck.. standing guard as if this was his home.. I stood quiet and observed.. He was magnificent... at least 12 points that I counted before he turned his head and I lost count.

I saw a "family" of turkey... many young ones... crossing the path.. as if they would not be hurried and certainly not in the least frightened.

I asked about that.. later after getting so lost in the forest on dirt roads looking for the second grove.

I never did.. but I now have hand written directions and words of caution.
that forest grove has more of a potential for danger as tornadoes have gone thru there.. including an F5 one in the last few years and they are worried the great root system on some maybe weakened... and depending how lucky or unlucky I am.. should they take that moment to fall.

so it will be another adventure.. and me armed with loys of pamphlets of walking / hiking trails have dreams of other days....

for I did not see my tree... nor the rock that would be next to it... maybe the next grove.. the one I did not find yesterday... or maybe the one farther south.. or maybe the one in the valley not accessible yet... but one day.

in my aloneness I am not lonely.

not in the old forests... not in so much green..

I am only lonely surrounded by people that I know do not really care.. that creates my loneliness...

comparisons... that creates loneliness.

but my forests.. my stones... as if they are gladly waiting for me.. welcoming.

No.. it is J's loss.. not mine.

though a time or two I thought about D... and wished I could share this with him.

7:59 a.m. - 2005-10-02


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