tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the start

a quiet weekend.. endings and beginnings... in every way possible I guess.

beginnings.. not sure what will be.. but now the ground rules are set... and I feel good. Alone.. but good.. about myself and what may or may not happen... a time of reflection.

My rune this morning... a rune of communion.. of readiness.. of that which I need harmony and partnership. I stepped off the precipice.. everything is in the hands of the gods... and how peaceful I feel.

and then the kid... I must get on his case... he dropped his Calc so he would have time to study more for his Physics & Chemistry... instead he is once again looking for other stuff to occupy his time.. He tried out for a play... he was called back twice and then asked to stay for the read thru... looks like he has been given a part...as happy as I am for him.. he needs to study...

he wrote a script for the improv holiday show... they loved it and are going to do it... Wonderful.. but how much time did that take...

and now...besides writing & running for the campus tv show... he is acting also... all this takes time...

I am glad he is involved .. but his studies... he doesn't seem to have much time at night for studying... how can he... he is busy every night doing something...

but I will only vent here... I will casually bring it into the conversation when we talk... but never vent. I am so proud.. of his beliefs.. his character.. and it could be sooo much worse. Instead of actually doing something.. he could be partying every night.

energy seems to have returned today.. I knew waking and feeling the dreams of the old man ... D... and others. I am on the path I am to be on... not even concerned where it will take me... just on the path.

6:25 a.m. - 2005-10-31


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