tarkis's Diaryland Diary


just another monday

the kid's show is this week. How I wish I could go see it. He wrote 3 of the skits.. he is performing in one... but the weather and my work schedule...

but he called last night, they will be video taping it.... He will get a copy... I will see it... a perfect xmas present.

and then a message from someone unexpected... he had a heart attack a few months ago... and then a triple bypass.. I guess he thought that would make up for his bad behavior last Spring... I was glad to hear from him.... we talked much this weekend.. we could always talk lots... we had always said we would be friends no matter what. That was why his disappearance last Spring bothered me...
we were just friends... nothing more.. nothing even hinted at more.

and he picked up right where he left off and we chatted like kids... telling it all...

and then slowly it unfolded.. the reasons.. his weight... of all things.. did he know me so little to think that would have made a difference... and he stressed how much weight he has lost since the heart attack... I was smiling.. must be he needed to lose the weight or change his eating habits for his health but not for us to be friends.

lots of stuff in my mind this morning... trying to sort it out... get my energy flowing in the direction it needs to go.

holy silence... trying to calm my mind is not easy.

I am a chatterbox child.. but I woke with a smile and the expectation that the gods are holding me in their magnificent cradle.

I am at peace... and haven't taken my rune yet.

How good is that.

7:10 a.m. - 2005-12-05


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