tarkis's Diaryland Diary


stepping lightly

It is cold...-1 and so prompting thoughts of another dwelling place... but my pipes did not freeze.. maybe all my preparation worked this time. We shall see it is just the start.

the kid called... one down and the 2 hardest to go... but he was ok... he has put in many hours of study.. He doesn't expect greatness but at least to make it thru.. and then it will be alright.. major will have changed and these type of courses will be over.... and I will see him sunday.... and if the gods see fit.. I could use some better weather to have to go pick him up.

and Mom & Jim called... they really want me to come out for New Years... probably if the weather holds I will attempt it.... it hasn't held for more than 2 days at a time since November I told her.. so why should I expect it to now... but it would be nice... just to get away from one oneness of my life. The kid is not so sure he wants to go.. friends and new years.. I do understand.

a little alabaster oil left... more annointing.

and everyplace I turned last night his name. not sure why or what I was being given glimpses of... but there he was

and my stone this morning...talking about the radical change and in my attitude.. the dark night of the oul has passed.. It said to draw another.. and to work on ... and it was the rune of communion... becoming one.. with he who holds my heart... and one with the All... I am to allow love.

I just shook my head and smiled.

7:14 a.m. - 2005-12-13


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