tarkis's Diaryland Diary


I am back , and in love with what is

I drew my rune this morning... I know.. I haven't been doing that.. I tried to remember when I stopped... I know what triggered it.. I know that part of me that got lost in the hurt and so refused to even think of my stones... could not look at possibilities.

but today, I hope she is sleeping.. resting in the knowledge that she is loved and I know what she does is done out of love for me but I laughed at my rune....

a rune of deep cleansing... to cross over the darkness.. nagativity... walk away from anger.. revenge... cruelty,,, and look to the clear new day and smiling to the clear new self...

it also talks about when something within us is disowned havoc results... today I understand better than ever...

the old man and I have had wondrous talks.. and I understand D more than ever and our relationship... and no longer feel hurt or dismay or anger or even satisfaction...

and I also know I have much that will need to be said... I will only need to find the words.. but the gods will help and I have everything I need inside me... but suddenly everything makes perfect sense.

and today looking out at the green and brown landscape.. I think of how blessed I am.. to see the portrait of our mother earth and hear the music of the gods laughing all about me and feel the warmth of the golden love that I am encircled in.

it is good to be back...

7:27 a.m. - 2006-01-20


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