tarkis's Diaryland Diary


I want to dance amidst the colors

2.5 inches... that's is what is says I lost in one day!!!!! and 1.5 lbs... I found this on line diary for weight loss.. it helps you keep track of what you are doing.. so besides the daily workout... I will keep track of everything..

and Robin Hood is looking to be something else... and so will Maid Marian... Odd.. how alike we are... how very odd... and now want to change our costumes.. something more exciting for the Ball... it was just so right for weeks ago when we chose.. but now.. not... and we were honest with each other... he did not want to be robin and I hated the gown for marian... at least how it looked on me.. so he is looking today for something flashy and fun.

and it is just a bit warmer today,,, I am ready for the world of contrasts to go away... he is a man of contrasts... we talked about that... and I think I need that in someone.. it is black or white.. and maybe that is only what my problem with D is... should say was.. there is no is... someone else's problem or nightmare if you wish... but maybe I live in the world of contrasts also which would explain my craving to dance amidst the colors... or maybe at least some of me does...

and that swirling of colors.. the total abandonment of reality... is just whatI would love to lose myself in looking out at the black and white of the hills and sky.

but it is time to work... and there it is... that time thing...

time... as the circle of life revolves and spins... the time of love and blending of the colors merge their paths with mine ... and not.

maybe today... whoever I am.. I understand it all.. or maybe just maybe.. the old man held my hand last night and explained it all..

whatever.. it is another day and calmness is in my soul.

7:07 a.m. - 2006-02-21


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