tarkis's Diaryland Diary


just a perspective.

the kid called twice...explaining his anger.. He had made a mistake.. the school is basically shut down.. He has his friends there but the stuff that he wanted to be there for... nothing is open or happening... and now plans.. so unless he has a specific place to go for spring or autumn breaks... I am to plan on him coming home... Definitely works for me... but I hate that he is sad.. though his friend and he are getting along much better so that is good.

and new thoughts / perspectives.

reading the imaginary situation of 2 fetuses talking about their existance.. one having the forsight to imagine light and possibility of life & another world beyond the womb. the other.. saying make the best of it.. this is all there is.

I smiled... how like that many of us are...

I am glad that I have imagination .. that my life is composed of what I feel and the energy fields I tap into.

though last nite while talking with the kid.. sounds brought much fear... that eerie cry.. part human, part animal, part other worldly... I locked my doors and the even the kid was surprised at my fear..

it was not fear because of the animal or other worldly sound.. it was because if it was a human then I feared his existance as he would be dangerous... that I knew without a doubt,

the kid had heard the sound.. he knew what it was... before.. when he had awakened me and wanted me to experience it.. not to be afraid but to know...

existance is only what we perceove.

faith... belief...suddenly the meanings become quite clear.

and decisions.. either he will fit into my world or he will leave.. I will not fit into his... and will not tolerate his ignorance.

I do not need him.

What I need.. I have... and I will not stray from my path.

7:19 a.m. - 2006-03-17


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