tarkis's Diaryland Diary


it was there all the time, religion grabbed onto it

sometimes everything makes sense and sometimes nothing does.

when Jesus taught... he said something about faith .. hope.. and charity...

in realizing the fallacies of religion I forgot that many of its teachings were exactly what we needed to know... and it is not necessarily about the gods but about we being of the god and the path to tap into that godness.

last night I remembered much.. it clicked once again.. so to speak.

I wish I could explain before that door closes.. the secrets we are all capable of knowing...

faith... belief that we are capable of all good coming to us...

hope.. we need to focus on what it is we need and expect it.. to look for it.. to look for the signs and hope... expect that today will be the day.

and charity... compassion for all those.. without judgement for their actions.. they are on their path and if my path had been examined critically.. I am sure I would have wanted those looking to give charity..

love... love for oneself .. love for all... and if you take out that place without love.. you find yourself only left with love.

that pure love.

this morning the blessings given are many... so I will send that energy to the universe and know... what will come back to me is nothing short of a miracle..

and I didn't explain this well.. that will be left to those who can... or maybe I will start.

but today... Faith.. a word that has been with me forever... now meditating on it.. with my soul open ...

I understand... and even if what I understand with my 10% brain usage is but a tip of the knowledge cpntained within that word.....

faith... my happiness is jumping up and down inside me.

7:28 a.m. - 2006-03-19


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