tarkis's Diaryland Diary


and fancies of love fill the air.. it is spring in the valley

scary.. mumps... among college kids... among anyone,,,

my son has had all his shots.. but of course.. obsessive me will spend hours sending positive energies to the universe to try and keep him safe. He will soon be taking finals and singing for graduation.. he needs to be well.

and this morning I want to get wee small.. or think wee small.. I want to get to that moment of change.. when day breaks, or energy.. atoms.. neurons.. protons.. all those things combine to create... at least something I can see.

I want to be at that moment of the horizon... that changing of direction.

and why.. you may ask...

just to see what it feels like... to be betweem nothing and something..

is the angst of nothing... painful.. or peaceful... and is it nothing or is it everything and the mere putting into motion a minute thought of the whole.

do you think I have too much time on my hands?

well.. seen from my perspective.. caped wonder that I am... I know the knowledge.. the feelings.. the wonder and awe... I just have to find the path.. she strayed too far at times, me thinks and life is so fresh and new and continual... that waking is excitement.

and it is spring.,. it is warm... and I yes me.. incredible me.. will find her dwelling place... her new dwelling place..

the search is tintillating.

no.. no.. don't say that.. woe is NOT me..

laughter fills my waking and life is the cartoon to bless my day.

NO.. I haven't been reading too many bhuddist stories..

calm down.. and Shiva is the wronged one... poor Shiva.. I identify completely.


well, maybe not completely.. or maybe not at all..

7:51 a.m. - 2006-04-14


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