tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the sun warms, the shadows fade

oh the web some weave.... and you have to wonder.. is it for the attention???? or just to be cruel... but their anguish (if it is real ) is their own. When a dinner of one's choosing is laid out in front of you and you then say.. well, it wasn't what I really wanted ... get over yourself...

but this morning.. another great morning in my part of the world.. of course, there is a price to pay for everything... and now a ban of open fires as wildfires are starting in many places... small ones... easily contained.

I worry should I try to burn my stuff .. better the refuse station, me thinks.

and the questions I have been considering... I think I know my answers.. I knew them all the time...

my path... mine alone.. and I take the bits & pieces of old knowledge and put them together to work for me... my path of healing... my sacred contract path.

who am I... just a fellow traveler... child of the gods mini god as it may be.

I am not important... so who I am is not important .. what is important is my journey of becoming all that I can be.

and that is not rated by anything so crass as money or stature in this lifetime.. nor even by how much help we consciously give another.. for by giving consciously.. no matter how good we are.. it is for our perception of who we may be or should be.

it is the unconscious giving... the putting out to the universe as much positive that we can.. never mindful of where that positive may land.

finally I can understand those who dedicate their life in prayer and supplication for others - strangers - if you will.

no, not those who spend their life bemoaning their "sinfullness" beseeching forgiveness, or spending their time in prostration ... they are wasting time with what good they could be doing...

and yes, I have heard and read the words of the christian bible... but their god, a god that would need that from us makes me wonder...

we each have our own sacred contract... mine... well, it becomes clearer and clearer each day...

and now.. it is time to laugh and sing and dance.. before my work day begins...

try it sometime.. it may seem silly to you but I truly think.. if their is a god looking down.. he will enjoy the laugh... for we are given much... how can we not sing & dance & laugh to greet the day.

6:50 a.m. - 2006-05-04


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