tarkis's Diaryland Diary


and on it goes

the pattern of thoughts.

from threads to veins to arteries.. ever widening.

I thoought about the old ones.. the ancients.. and wondered where their thought patterns took them... and understood their methods.

I remembered the first time I tried to follow the flow.. a sunny day years ago.. in the forest near a stream...

a wonderfully babbling brook.. and the stones were sparkling and the colors ... aahhh the colors.

it was the first time I understood the importance of the colors.

many memories lately... many.

the kid was in the paper twice this week. He went to a town meeting discussing the possibility of building a permanent structure in one of the city parks so the community could have summer theater.

He spoke.. becoming very dramatic as he said he had been contemplating suicide before and theater in effect saved his life. They printed his words.. he was so effective.. bringing tears to the eyes of many.

The phone calls came before I opened the paper... I didn't know.. of course, he did not tell me that... and as I did not go to the meeting. it was his moment to shine... and he did... oh he did.

What??? the kid is fine... what do you mean? When????

I opened the paper... there it was for all the world to see. I looked at him shocked. You had contemplated suicide?

Mom... it is theater.. I needed a dramatic touch. Well, and if you remember that time.. I was depressed... so I embellished a little.... and who knows.. it could have come to that.. you know.. it could have.

I smiled... aahh the kid...

I walked out the door last night and let the phone ring... the messages were very nice actually. Why didn't you tell me what was going on.. we would have been there for you.. and for him... I didn't realize how unhappy he had been. We are sorry.. we didn't know.. we could have helped you thru what must have been a scary time for both of you.

We didn't know.

aahh the kid.

7:01 a.m. - 2006-06-16


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