tarkis's Diaryland Diary


the best things in life, we may already have

the bengal's cries prompted me.

he had been so good waiting for my workday to be over.. waiting for that moment I would get up from the desk.. from the computer... he can tell if it is just a getting a cup of tea moment or a walking away from work moment.

he stood by his leash waiting... hoping.

and it was a gorgeous evening and I in much need of forest and peace decided it was time to follow the path the neighbor had so patiently provided.

I had forgotten that this place existed.

the path led to it... I wondered if he had found it as magical as I always had.

the bengal and I stood at the opening... and I felt the tears starting.

he looked at me questioning..

we went in and I remembered.. it was the why of so long ago.

its beauty had not diminished over time... if anything, it had increased... and now was the most beautiful of times to find it again.

I sat, letting my soul drink in its energy.
the cat ran free on his leash... not moving far from me as if he knew or felt something special.

thanking the great I am for this gift.

and then checking the mail to find... my shiva lingam stone had arrived!!!!!!!

what a wonderful day this was.. how blessed am I.. truly... blessed

7:49 a.m. - 2006-09-20


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