tarkis's Diaryland Diary


this day is the first day of the rest of my life.

that early morning walk as day is just beginning to break is the best.

full of promise.. its energy soft and peaceful .. not effected by emotion... a new life unfolding.

this morning was special as daylight broke with a hint of blue skies and fluffy white clouds underneath the passing of the grey.

a new day... to do with as I wish... to accept with gladness and laughter whatever acknowledges itself to me today.

a bible thumper is on the tele stating "where your thoughts are there you lie also" I remember hearing this in my childhood.. of course... it was explained as only meaning two things.. either your thoughts were on Jesus or on sin... the focus more on despair for with the concentration of negative thoughts.. it could only have gone that way.

it brought back memories and paths... good and bad and I turned off the tele.

how sad that a man with a beautiful message could have had his words and thoughts distorted so.

the written word... as the "GOD" directed each writers hands... a "GOD" of hate.. I think not but men of hate. now that may be. Religion has produced much hate.

enough focus on that.... back to the gentle soft place.. the cradle of life... I will need much as I MUST stay true to myself today...

I must for I need to look expectantly and not be complacent.

Not today... anyway.

7:47 a.m. - 2006-10-01


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