tarkis's Diaryland Diary


finally we can breathe

she is better than we.. we have always said that.. as we rushed in to take care of her...

not that she wasn't handling on her own.. she is capable...
she is the dutiful one..

but she gives more than she has.. this dad thing... I mean, come on.. forgiveness is one thing..we are all in agreement for that.. she has forgiven and even forgotten.. she has..we haven't... and this is her favorite time.. all of ours..

it was not being able to go into the forest that did it... the day was just the best... but she had to be responsible.

and then she came across the box.. his box... it was too much.. memories and leaves so golden against the green of the firs.. so many responsibilities thrown on her.. so little time for her.

anyway... we are back and first we took her to get her haircut... I had fun.. we picked out a style.. the kid and I... he came home.. the dad dying thing and it being more of an older group.. he would have been welcomed but he knew he shouldn't and didn't.

I'm glad he is here.. he gives us strength... anyway.. first stop... the salon.. and we went short...very short.. before she gets back it will have to grow... lots... we laughed.

and we woke up laughing... she sleeps... we will get her back in shape... that knee thing was bothersome.. caped wonder can not have a bothersome knee.

caped wonder will sing and dance... when the frost leaves the ground.. big frost.. for me first of the season..

and the psycho undead cat is back.. the kid saw him... the bengal baby did not go far... smelling its scent... I could see the fear in his fur standing on end.

Worked for me... it was just a bit chilly to take him for a walk.

and I will wean the father figure.. hey... time to get back to life.. he is much better.. stronger than before.. and I ain't her. I am not doing this... I am not. I am not... well.. Ok.. so I am not really that way.. maybe I will still help a little.. after all we are of the same.

but when the sun shines and the leaves sparkle with color.. and that special autumn scent is in the air.. believe me... I will not be cleaning the dad's man toilet... I don't use it.. learn to aim straight.

and did I tell about the adventure of going thru the snow zone to pick up the kid.. wow... some devestation.

so blue skies and that special song are abounding... what a day it will be. what a day.

as I chant my way to life... slowly but surely we have found our way...

and understanding.. that which others say is wrong or broken... need to look within... look deep my friends.. it is all there.


7:10 a.m. - 2006-10-16


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