tarkis's Diaryland Diary


when the wheel turns.. WOW

the forgotten years.

sometimes the past has a way of catching up with us... events, dreams, life comes full circle.

my best friends came from that time.. how could I have forgotten that.

one has been in my dreams.. thoughts... and it suddenly dawned on me.. similarities.

so I called his brother which led me to his mother who in shock upon hearing my name.. after all it has been 20+ years since we have spoken.. gave me his number.

I called... we talked.

he told me how he tried to find me when his girlfriend had died.. how he just needed my shoulder... how my ex-husband refused to give him any other info other than I was no longer living there.

I felt bad... his shoulder had been mine on many many occasions... His shoulder and more. He had kept me safe.

He has called often since then.. he remembers the good times we had... I had forgotten about those.

there were many. how could I have locked those memories away.. in dusty shelves.

but we've laughed often now remembering.

and once that room was opened... so mnay came rushing out.. not the bad ones... but the funny ones... the ones of day to day living... our life... we were friends.

we still are.. I tell him about K.. he always had a crush on her... he is happy she is married now and happy...

he wants to come see me... I want to see him too.

more than I should I suspect.. but it will be nice to see someone that knows it all... who knows me better than anyone else could.. because he was there.

He was there.

7:14 a.m. - 2006-12-12


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