tarkis's Diaryland Diary


Happy New Year

So... 15 minutes before he was to pick me up I see the light flashing on my answering machine... while I was getting ready someone had called.

It was the date... message was call me as soon as you get this.

Hmm.. so I called and as expected.. he cancelled.. sick or some such crap.. I really didn't care... just an overwhleming sense of giddiness...

not even that I could make the date with the one I really wnated to be with.. he had long since left for the ceremonies and for me to get there would mean a two hour drive and in the hills, I would probably get lost..

and the other had long since left for the cave while it was still daylight... since it is only a cave he knows of.. I would never fid that..

still.. I was excited.. it worked.. I didn't have to go on this date and then had even more ammunition to explain.. once again.. this is not working out.

so.. my night was spent.. drumming and traveling .. though my travels were not ordinary.. at least for me...

explanations.. guides... and laughter.... much much laughter.

I have brought the new year in with blessings..

I hope that when I am feeling down or lonely.. and I will.. though not today... I hope that I can remember how truly blessed i am.

and so.. I have a feeling... it is going to be a very Happy New Year for it was brought in without an ounce of sadness...

hope yours will be also.

11:55 a.m. - 2007-01-01


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