tarkis's Diaryland Diary


just another day

It was a beautiful morning... good energy.. the smells of spring flowers tantalizing... the sun breaking thru after the cloudy yesterday...

I stood looking out.. my flowers starting to begin their journey up.. poking thru the moist dirt anxious to greet the sun for another year..

I stood planning what annuals I would use this year.. or maybe get more perennials... checking the rose bush - it did not make it thru the winter, the azalea did..

laughing at the gift of pansy - I no longer question who.. its purple vibrant... though I daresay the Bengal knows for he was agitated a night or so ago.. the night before it appeared.

I thought about he - he had already gotten his flower baskets and I smiled thinking how good I had felt seeing them... such a nice way to greet.

and as I stood silent staring out .. thinking in the morning sunlight... a chickadee landed on my shoulder...
curious... I felt him poking at my clothes .. barely able to see him but from the corner of my eye... holding my breath not wanting to frighten him...

and then he hopped onto the birdfeeder and we looked each other over... before he dismissed me as non threstening and started his search for his favorite seed.

I smiled .. maybe not the bluebird of happiness... but certainly a nice way to start the morning.

6:42 a.m. - 2007-05-21


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